Saturday, August 25, 2012

Marx Reichlich,The Visitation I’m pretty sure that’s...

Marx Reichlich,The Visitation

I’m pretty sure that’s not what the phrase “baby bump” means…

(submitted by fingeryprint)

All the Hawkins stuff right now is too gorgeous for words. Thank you!

Hey, it’s my pleasure. Really cool stuff, right? I had to stop myself from totally spamming it.

Electricians working

Electricians working on the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France, 1937

Anne Frank - Sept. 1

Anne Frank - Sept. 11





RIP Neil Armstrong 8

RIP Neil Armstrong 8/25/2012



Электронная библиотека


Абсолютно бесплатная библиотека без регистрации. Просто океан книг по всем жанрам. Скачивается всё моментально, причем дается выбор, в каком формате вы хотите скачать книгу. Я завязла здесь надолго.

Fuck Yeah, Ancient Greece and Rome: The Classical Calendar: August 25

Fuck Yeah, Ancient Greece and Rome: The Classical Calendar: August 25:


79 CE

The Elder Pliny dies during the eruption of Vesuvius

Pliny the Elder selfishly died without leaving any contemporary portraits of himself, so we have to depend on this 19th century piece of guess work.

His death, however was quite unselfish. His nephew, the younger Pliny,…

Замечательный кулинарный сайт


Создал этот сайт бывший военный, а ныне пенсионер Сергей Самойлов. Здесь скучно не бывает. Всем сюда!!!



"done on my good bud

"done on my good buddy drake in halifax nova scotia. follow me at"

Эксклюзивное кресло — качалка из дерева

Roo Silhouette — брошенный вызов гравитации в сочетании австрийской кожи и чистого дерева.

Современное кресло — качалка из дерева

Эксклюзивное кресло — качалка. Динамика линий подчеркивает силуэт. Очень тонкая работа.

Стильные кожаные браслеты Hermes и Tory Byrch

Модные кожаные браслеты в сезоне 2011 представлены в коллекциях аксессуаров многими брендами. Но предлагаем обратить внимание на стильные кожаные браслеты Hermes и Tory Burch. На наш взгляд эти кожаные женские браслеты наиболее интересны в стилевом решении, изящно изготовлены и смогут дополнить любой образ.Модные кожаные браслеты (ФОТО):

кожаные браслеты hermes

стильные кожаные браслеты

My voicemail will always be there for you.

Mount Vesuvius and the Bay of Naplesca. 1830American , unknown...

Mount Vesuvius and the Bay of Naples

ca. 1830

American , unknown artist

Oil on canvas

Princeton University Art Museum

Cage crinoline, made in the UK, c.1867 (source).

Cage crinoline, made in the UK, c.1867 (source).

Rosa Corder, after a stained glass window by Dante Gabriel...

Rosa Corder, after a stained glass window by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Story of St George - The Return of the Princess, 1875-1900 (source).

Rosa Corder, after a stained glass window by Dante Gabriel...

Rosa Corder, after a stained glass window by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Story of St George - St George Slaying the Dragon, 1875-90 (source).

Friday, August 24, 2012



Regarding who owns copyrights to images of artworks (as opposed to that of the original works themselves), the statement "if it's older than x years then it's in the public domain" doesn't really apply since museums/galleries tend to keep these reproductive images updated. I'm no expert by any means, but AFAIK this issue has no definitive answer, and museums have asserted de facto rights over them. Google for "zombie copyrights" for more information.

Yeah! That’s another great thing about Tumblr — fact bringers on every subject abound and they often disagree! I guess this is what they mean when they say reproductive rights are a hot topic these days. I’ll just stand out of the line of fire and keep putting up that art…





Rare kitty

Rare kitty

Zachary Catazaro

Zachary Catazaro

Bookmarks out of old

Bookmarks out of old book spines

I hope your weekend isn't as lonely as Lance Armstrong's testicle.

Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues, Apples, c.1575

Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues, Apples, c.1575

Thomas Cole, The Fountain of Vaucluse, 1841 (source).

Thomas Cole, The Fountain of Vaucluse, 1841 (source).

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