Marx Reichlich,The Visitation
I’m pretty sure that’s not what the phrase “baby bump” means…
(submitted by fingeryprint)
ArtAriya - collection of notes on art, paintings, gift ideas and simply cool photos
Marx Reichlich,The Visitation
I’m pretty sure that’s not what the phrase “baby bump” means…
(submitted by fingeryprint)
Hey, it’s my pleasure. Really cool stuff, right? I had to stop myself from totally spamming it.
79 CE
The Elder Pliny dies during the eruption of Vesuvius
Pliny the Elder selfishly died without leaving any contemporary portraits of himself, so we have to depend on this 19th century piece of guess work.
His death, however was quite unselfish. His nephew, the younger Pliny,…
Модные кожаные браслеты в сезоне 2011 представлены в коллекциях аксессуаров многими брендами. Но предлагаем обратить внимание на стильные кожаные браслеты Hermes и Tory Burch. На наш взгляд эти кожаные женские браслеты наиболее интересны в стилевом решении, изящно изготовлены и смогут дополнить любой образ.Модные кожаные браслеты (ФОТО):
Mount Vesuvius and the Bay of Naples
ca. 1830
American , unknown artist
Oil on canvas
Princeton University Art Museum
Rosa Corder, after a stained glass window by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Story of St George - The Return of the Princess, 1875-1900 (source).
Rosa Corder, after a stained glass window by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Story of St George - St George Slaying the Dragon, 1875-90 (source).
Yeah! That’s another great thing about Tumblr — fact bringers on every subject abound and they often disagree! I guess this is what they mean when they say reproductive rights are a hot topic these days. I’ll just stand out of the line of fire and keep putting up that art…
Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues, Apples, c.1575