ArtAriya - collection of notes on art, paintings, gift ideas and simply cool photos
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Hieronymus Bosch, The Temptation of St. Anthony YOUR ARGUMENT IS...
Hieronymus Bosch, The Temptation of St. Anthony
YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID, MY HEAD IS A BARN. Also, there is definitely a guy taking a shit on the right side of the painting. That’s fun.
Hekate holding a swordi in the right hand, a snake in the left....
Hekate holding a swordi in the right hand, a snake in the left. (Detail of fol. 37 - Statuette of Triple-bodied Hekate).
Pen, ink and grey wash.
The original is in Rome, Palazzo dei Conservatori (ex Chigi).
the British Museum
ancientpeoples: Limestone relief showing Nefertiti Amarna New...
Limestone relief showing Nefertiti
New Kingdom, c.1352-1336 BC
The image shows Queen Nefertiti wearing the famous tall, flat topped crown she wears in the famous bust currently in the Berlin Museum. She is making an offering to the Aten along with her husband Akhenaten (the figure in front of her).
Source: Brooklyn Museum
spanishbaroqueart: Jusepe de Ribera The Poet (Etching,...
Jusepe de Ribera
The Poet (Etching, 1620-21)
“Dressed in voluminous robes, crowned with laurel, and leaning on a stone with head in hand, Ribera’s poet is one of the most striking images of the artist’s early career. The iconography, a synthesis of the attributes of Melancholy and Poetry, has been explored in detail by scholars. An alternative suggestion that the poet is Virgil seems a viable one, especially since his tomb was traditionally thought to be in Naples.”
demonagerie: Lausanne, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire,...
Lausanne, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire, U 964, detail of f. 483r (Satan bound). Biblia Porta. Franco-Flemish, end of the 13th century.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Plaque: Gorgon Greece, South Italy, Taranto, 6th-5th century...
Plaque: Gorgon
Deity Guatemala, Petén region, Maya style (250-900), Maya...
Date: 250-600
The Cleveland Museum of Art
A mermaid riding a seahorse. c.1880-1890 Print made by Frederick...
A mermaid riding a seahorse. c.1880-1890
Print made by Frederick Stuart Church
The British Museum
shunga / print Made in Japan 19thC(early) (circa) The British...
shunga / print
Made in Japan
19thC(early) (circa)
The British Museum
ancientpeoples: Dragonesque Brooch Roman Britain, 1st or 2nd...
Dragonesque Brooch
Roman Britain, 1st or 2nd century AD
The ‘dragonesque’ form of this brooch is typically Romano-British: first appearing after the start of the Roman conquest of southern England in AD 43, but embodying native artistic taste.
Dragonesque brooches were not only decorative objects, but also functional fasteners - a strongly-curved pin (missing on this example) would have held a thick fold of cloth.
(Source: The British Musuem)
Эротика 18-19 века
18th and 19th century erotic books owned by author and art collector Roger Peyrefitte were auctioned off and dispersed in 1981."A Quoi Revent les Jeunes Filles" - "What Girls dream about",a collection of "positions" by an anonymous 19th century romantic painter.
The loves of Joan of Arc - based on Voltaire's satyrical novel "La Pucelle d'Orleans" (Edition 1789) Hand-coloured engraving (illustration) - Erotic Art
18th and 19th century erotic books owned by author and art collector Roger Peyrefitte were auctioned off and dispersed in 1981."A Quoi Revent les Jeunes Filles" - "What Girls dream about",a collection of "positions" by an anonymous 19th century romantic painter.
18th and 19th century erotic books owned by author and art collector Roger Peyrefitte were auctioned off and dispersed in 1981."A Quoi Revent les Jeunes Filles" - "What Girls dream about",a collection of "positions" by an anonymous 19th century romantic painter.
18th and 19th century erotic books owned by author and art collector Roger Peyrefitte were auctioned off and dispersed in 1981."A Quoi Revent les Jeunes Filles" - "What Girls dream about",a collection of "positions" by an anonymous 19th century romantic painter.
18th and 19th century erotic books owned by author and art collector Roger Peyrefitte were auctioned off and dispersed in 1981.Engravings from a 1789 special edition of "La Pucelle d'Orleans",Voltaire's blas- phemous satyre about the life and loves of Joan of Arc.
18th and 19th century erotic books owned by author and art collector Roger Peyrefitte were auctioned off and dispersed in 1981."A Quoi Revent les Jeunes Filles" - "What Girls dream about",a collection of "positions" by an anonymous 19th century romantic painter.
18th and 19th century erotic books owned by author and art collector Roger Peyrefitte were auctioned off and dispersed in 1981.Illustrations for "Les Amours du Chevalier de Faublas" by J.B.Louvet de Couvray,around 1840.

Group-sex (Erotic Art) from a set of 12 miniatures on ivory, unsigned, inspired by Graeco-Roman scenes (18th)

Group-sex (Erotic Art) from a set of 12 miniatures on ivory, unsigned, inspired by Graeco-Roman scenes (18th)

18th and 19th century erotic books owned by author and art collector Roger Peyrefitte were auctioned off and dispersed in 1981.Illustrations for "Les Amours du Chevalier de Faublas" by J.B.Louvet de Couvray,around 1840.
"L'Aretin Francais",engravings after lost "position" paintings by Giulio Romano,illustrating some of Renaissance satyrist Aretino's sonnets.
.The original gouaches of "Therese Philosophe" were later engraved."Therese" was one of the favourite erotic books of the Marquis de Sade.
18th and 19th century erotic books owned by author and art collector Roger Peyrefitte were auctioned off and dispersed in 1981."A Quoi Revent les Jeunes Filles" - "What Girls dream about",a collection of "positions" by an anonymous 19th century romantic painter.