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Saturday, September 22, 2012
ancientpeoples: Rag Doll Roman, 1st-5th century ADMade in...
Rag Doll
Roman, 1st-5th century AD
Made in EgyptThis doll is fairly well-proportioned, and has a head and a body. The arms are made from a long roll of linen attached at the back. The doll is made of made of coarse linen and is stuffed with rags and pieces of papyrus. Coloured wool, now faded, was applied to parts of the face and body. The sex of the doll is unclear, although the presence of a small blue glass bead attached to the proper left side of the head suggests a hair ornament and therefore that it is probably intended to be female. As well as dolls, children had a wide range of toys and playthings, such as toy animals, soldiers, doll’s houses with miniature furniture, spinning tops, hoops and marbles.
In the ancient world dolls were usually made of rags, wood, bone or fired clay, and ranged from simple home-made playthings such as this example to miniature works of art, with finely worked features and jointed bodies. There is no reason why dolls should not have been as popular in the Roman period as they are now, but relatively few have survived because of the perishable nature of their materials. This doll survived as a result of the very dry conditions in parts of Egypt, which helped to preserve organic artefacts of all types, from sandals, furniture and baskets to brushes, boxes and even hairpieces.
(Source: The British Museum)
QUINTIJN, Gillis (b. ca. 1590, Haarlem, d. ca. 1635, Den...
(b. ca. 1590, Haarlem, d. ca. 1635, Den Haag)
Universiteits-Bibliotheek, Amsterdam
QUELLINUS, Jan-Erasmus (b. 1634, Antwerpen, d. 1715,...
QUELLINUS, Jan-Erasmus
(b. 1634, Antwerpen, d. 1715, Mechelen)
Thetis Dips Achilles in a Vase with Water from the Styx
Oil on canvas,
Private collection
Friday, September 21, 2012
QUELLINUS, Artus I (b. 1609, Antwerpen, d. 1668,...
(b. 1609, Antwerpen, d. 1668, Antwerpen)
Mater Dolorosa
Polychrome wood
Sint-Jacobskerk, Antwerp
aleyma: Imperial Orb, Sword and Scabbard of the Holy Roman...
Imperial Orb, Sword and Scabbard of the Holy Roman Empire. The orb was made in Germany c.1200, the scabbard in Italy in the 2nd half of the 11th century, and the sword in Germany c.1198-1218. The gold panels on the scabbard depict kings and emperors from Charlemagne to Henry III.
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Monstrous races. Cod. Pal. germ. 67, fol. 019r
Mythical creatures. Cod. Pal. germ. 832, fol. 088r
Der Renner. Cod. Pal. germ. 471, fol. 047v
Monstrous races. Cod. Pal. germ. 336, fol. 203ar
Monstrous races. Cod. Pal. germ. 336, fol. 089r
Der Renner. Cod. Pal. germ. 471, fol. 016r
Animali fantastici. Cod. Pal. germ. 128, fol. 074r
imgtours0374 copia
imgmarse0415 copia
Centaur. Cod. Pal. germ. 832, fol. 090v
St. Michael slaying the dragon
Zoomorphic initial of a dragon
Large zoomorphic initial 'L'([i]ber) in pen and wash with a dragon swallowing a man